Let’s get in touch
The Annual High Peaks Art Festival is celebrating our
20th Anniversary in 2025!
Are you interested in being an Artist?
Are you interested in being a Sponsor?
Is there something new you’d like to see at the Festival?
Let us know!!
Glimpse of High Peaks Art Festival Artists over the years…

Mixed media mountain wall decor by Jessica Moore of Simple and Sylvan. Jess is a full time RV’er who draws her inspiration from her travels and the world outside her trailer door!

Bill Peterson first made tables over
50 years ago while a student at
CU Boulder. “I couldn’t make a living
from stone topped tables, so I became
a rocket scientist.” He uses natural
stone with semi-precious focus stones.
The natural Lyons sandstone comes from quarries near Boulder.

Julie Naster lives and works outside of Nederland on 18 acres where she designs and creates clay pieces in her wood fired kiln. This piece, from her Porter Ranch Collection, was inspired by ranch and farm life.